Keeping government money at home in the NWT by making it stick to Indigenous businesses, communities and people
It had all the makings of a great success story, shining proof that government was actually living up to decades of its own earnest promises to include First Nations in the NWT’s economy. Instead, awarding a 10-kilometre road repair contract turned into a botched opportunity and a blizzard of protest that showed just how inflexible and uninformed the NWT Government is when it comes to making sensible, if not obligatory, spending decisions.

Guest Column: Workers Compensation for business owners
We insure our cars, houses, valuable items, and the equipment

Guest Column: What does reconciliation Mean?
By Deidra Garyk Reconciliation. That’s a big word that’s often

Guest Column: Let Your Game Speak for Itself
By Shawn Lester, Partner Lester Landau Chartered Professional Accountants, for

A Road Map to Reconciliation
ABQ 22 Guidebook Friday, September 6th, 2019, was a special

The Business of Reconciliation
In 2008 as part of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement